Catinat cine Saïgon

Garage Jean Comte 34 Boulevard Norodom Saïgon

Garage Charner Saigon

La semaine à Saïgon-Aout 69

Rue Catinat

Htel Majestic

Htel Majestic Sagon

Caserne Francis Garnier Saïgon

Depuis le café de la "Pointe des Blagueurs" la station maritime Mobil

Citroën 2 CV & Vélosolex à Saïgon

Cigares Mlia

Tramway de Saïgon

Grands Magasins Charner Saïgon

Gare routiere, Velosolex, Peugeot 403 Saigon

Hotel Majestic Sagon

Les gendarmes français à Saïgon

La Place du Marché à Saïgon

Cafe Givral Saigon 2010

Lait SucrÉ Concentré Rosy Saigon

Paris Tissus

Gendarmes dans la rue Catinat Saïgon Août 1951

Grands Magasins Charner Saïgon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

La Maison Brodart, rue Catinat

Femmes Saïgon 1953

Un Douglas C-54 Skymaster Air France sur l'aéroport de Saïgon

Arrêt des autobus Boulevard de la Somme à Saïgon en 1946

Le Collège Chasseloup Laubat en 1947

Vue arienne sur Sagon

Rue Catinat

Asianis le Pastis de Sagon

Tramway de Saïgon

Aigle Azur Indochine

Vue sur Saigon depuis l'htel Caravelle

Taxi Renault 4cv Saïgon

Hôtel de Ville Saïgon  Ford Vedette Citroën Traction

Groupe Scolaire Jaureguiberry

Place Francis Garnier

Location voitures Saigon

Les journaux internationaux et vietnamiens de Saïgon

Chargeurs Réunis Indochine

Rue Catinat en 1946

Calypso Marthe Gaschot Gia Dinh

Paris Tissus

Avions Taxis d'Indochine janvier 1948

Saïgon 15 Février 1953

Madame Poizat devant le Continental Palace Saigon

Crème Agartha Grands Magasins Charner Saïgon

Simca Aronde sur le Boulevard Charner Sagon

Soldat en Mobylette Saigon

Renault 4CV & Dauphine Boulevard Charner Saïgon

Soldat Armee Air en solex Saigon 1953

Gendarmes Saigon Indochine

Souvenir de Sagon

Avion Taxi Indochine

Les gendarmes français à Saïgon

Le Collège Chasseloup Laubat en 1947

Rue Catinat en 1946

Parade de Printemps avec FreC Astaire

Camions Cosara de Sagon

Gendarmes dans la rue Catinat Saïgon Août 1951

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

Cigarettes Nationales

Renault Fregate & Citroen Traction Saïgon

Cyclo-pousse, Renault 4CV Saïgon

Savon Viet-nam

En Pousse-Pousse devant le Cathdrale Notre-Dame de Saïgon

Rue Catinat en 1946

Le général Leclerc passe en revue en revue les troupes Gourka

Sortie d'une cole de Sagon

aérodrome de Tan Son Nhut

Garage Charner Saigon

Le Thatre de Sagon en 1946

Rue Catinat Sagon

Halles Centrales de Saïgon

Soldats Armée Air Saïgon 1951

Les Banderoles de Films en 1948 Saïgon

Voitures à Saïgon en 1961

Chez Brodard Saigon

Enfants dans une rue de Saïgon

Défilé des parachutistes et des légionnaires le 27 avril 1947 à Saïgon

Catinat cine Saïgon

Marin français à Saïgon

Au Ménestrel Saïgon

Cigares Mlia

Charcutier Au Petit Saint-Antoine Sagon

Soldats français rue Catinat Saïgon

Cigarettes Melia

Htel Majestic Sagon

Avion Taxi Indochine

Femmes devant chez Brodard Saïgon 1953

Bière 33 Saigon

Sœurs en Solex Saïgon

Autoradio Philips Saigon

La terrase d'un café de Saïgon

Tramway centre-ville saigon

Eden Sports Saïgon

Air France

Bire Larue Vietnam

En Solex 2200 à Saïgon

Le Monument aux morts de Saïgon

Vue arienne sur Sagon

Renault Fregate & Citroen Traction Saïgon

Htel Majestic

Marins Français rue Catinat Saigon Indochine

Comptoirs Generaux Indochine

La sortie de la messe le dimanche 16 octobre 1948

Cigarettes Nationales

Hôtel de Ville de Saïgon

Au centre le Commandant Ourta Saigon mars 1952

Grands Magasins Charner Saïgon

Touristes françaises en Cyclomoteur à Saïgon

Vietnamienne avec un velosolex 45

Le boulevard Bonard depuis la place du Théâtre

Vue arienne sur Sagon

La Maison Brodart, rue Catinat

Femmes Saïgon 1953

Sud Est Asiatique Juillet 1952

Simca Aronde sur le Boulevard Charner Sagon

Htel Continental Cyclomoteur Mars 1951

La Rue Pasteur ex Pellerin Sagon en 1965 Velosolex Mobylettes

aérodrome de Tan Son Nhut

Biere 33 Export 33

Bureau des PTT de  Saigon

Htel Continental Taxi Renault

SIMCA 5 Saïgon 1953

Tramway centre-ville saigon

Soldat Armee Air en solex Saigon 1953

Peugeot 203 sur le Boulevard Bonnard à Saïgon

Rivoire et Carret Saigon

Souvenir de Sagon

Les Paras et les Tirailleurs  Saïgon

Citroën à Saïgon

Htel Continental Cyclomoteur 23 Juin 1947

La Banque B.N.C.I de Sagon

Bière 33 Brasseries et Glacières d'Indochine

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Drapeau francais

It was September 13th, 1945, in Saigon

Un Officier de la marine Japonaise capitule Saigon 1945

A Japanese naval officer surrenders his sword to a British Lieutenant in Saigon on 13th September 1945.

It was October 5th, 1945, in Saigon

Le général Leclerc commandant du Corps Expéditionnaire Français en Extrême-Orient (C.E.F.E.O.) dépose une gerbe au Monument aux Morts français de la première guerre mondiale, le 5 octobre 1945 à Saïgon Défilé rue Catinat Corps Expéditionnaire Français en Extrême-Orient (C.E.F.E.O.)

Left: On October 5th, 1945, in Saigon, on the day he arrived with Commander Fonde, General Philippe Leclerc, commander of the French Expeditionary Corps in the Far-East (C.E.F.E.O.) lays a wreath at the monument to the French soldiers who died during the First World War. Under a torrential downpour, the French rushed to greet him and to express their renewed trust.
Right: A military parade going down Catinat Street before the Foreign Legion Band set up in front of the Municipal Theater (Foray Square).

Once again Saigon is festooned with the colors of France. The European population regains hope.

Les troupes françaises dans la rue Catinat Saïgon

The store « Aux Magasins Catinat », located at 165 Catinat Street is draped with French, British, and American flags.

Soldats Français rue Catinat

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

Is was December 16th, 1945, in Saigon

To arms at the next start of the 32nd Indian Brigade Saigon 1945

To arms at the next start of the 32nd Indian Brigade.

General Leclerc reviews the Gurkhas troops

General Leclerc reviews the Gurkhas troops.

General Leclerc and General Hirst Saigon 1945

General Leclerc and General Hirst on Norodom boulevard.

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

It was July 14th, 1946, in Saigon

1er défilé des soldats français pour le 14 juillet 1946 à Saïgon

French soldiers parading on Norodom Boulevard.

It was Novembre 11th, 1946, on Norodom Boulevard

Défilé motorisé de la Légion etrangère boulevard Norodom Saïgon 1946

On November 1946 French Foreign Legion (next to Jean Comte Garage) and motorized paratroopers parading on the Norodom Boulevard in Saigon.

Défilé motorisé de la Légion etrangère boulevard Norodom Saïgon 1946

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

It was avril 27, 1947, in Saigon

Journal de Saïgon quotidien français d'informations

Articles which appeared in the “Journal of Saigon” of April 27th, 1947

This morning on Francis Garnier Square

The magnificent parade of the Far-East Expeditionary Corps
through the flag-draped city.

In the presence of the High-Commissioner of France, Monsieur Coste-Floret, Minister of War, presented his flag to Colonel de Bollardière’s half-brigade of paratroopers. The magnificent citation that went with it was read to the troops standing at attention.
The magnificent citation that went with it was read to the troops standing at attention. A cooler-than-usual dawn gave way to the storm-washed Saigonese night. Flags appeared on the façades of public monuments, and while the city awakens, the military detachment gradually takes over the streets that will later be used by units taking part in the parade. The 22nd Colonial Infantry Regiment (R.I.C.) has positioned itself across from the official grandstand facing the forward grandstand where three red armchairs have been placed for Mr. Bollaert, Mr. Coste-Floret, and President Hoach (President of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Cochin China).
As they arrive, civil dignitaries settle in to the right. On the left, the military authorities.
At 0840h, the car bringing President Hoach stops in the center of the square and salutes the flag of the 22nd R.I.C, while the band plays the Cochin Chinese anthem.
At 0845h, it’s Mr Bollaert’s turn to arrive in Francis Garnier Square (Theater Square) accompanied by his cabinet director, Mr. Mesmer; with the bandplaying “Aux Champs”,the High Commissioner bows before the flag and the band plays “La Marseillaise”.
Among the dignitaries we find:
Mr. Torel, Commissioner of the Republic, Mr. Mesmer, Cabinet Director of the High Commissioner, Tran-Van-Ly, Vice-President of the autonomous government, Ing Fong Tsao, Consul-General of China, Mr. Reed, Consul-General of the United States, Mr. Meiklereid, Consul General of Great Britain, Mr. Den Dooren De Song, Consul General of the Netherlands, Mr. Widmer, Consul General of Switzerland, and Mr. Derenddre, Consul General of Belgium.
Mr. Coste-Floret, accompanied by General Aster de Villatte, is received by Mr. Bollaert and President Hoach as he steps from his car.
At this point the line of paratroopers forms an honor guard and forms up in front of the rostrum, with Colonel de la Bollardière in the lead.
Mr. Coste-Floret steps down and takes a flag that was presented to him.
It’s the flag of the half-brigade. An officer reads the citation that goes with it, and the Minister pins the military medal on the new staff. It’s an impressive moment as the flag and its escort take their place in the regimental framework.

Presenting arms

During the presentation of arms Mr. Coste-Fleuret awards the rosette of Officer of the Legion of Honor to Colonel Herckel and the Knight’s Cross to Commander Keller, Lieutenants Cartalada, Nguyen-van-Vy, and Casati. Then Generals Nyo and Bodet proceed with various awards of decorations.

The great parade of the Expeditionary Corps

Les gendarmes français à Saïgon

At 0930h, the lead element of the parade moved out from the top of Catinat Streeet. The Legion and the Republican Guards band start things off, followed by its Colonel and three squads. Applause thunders as the flag goes by.
Then, it’s the Naval Infantry Tank Regiment (R.I.C.M.) and the glorious emblem of which only tatters remain. All the dignitaries present stand at attention as the precious flag passes by.

Les gendarmes français à Saïgon

The parade continues in the following order:
- The military band of the Algerian Sharpshooters Regiment;
- The detachment of the Schools of Children of the Troop;
- The Cochin Chinese Guard Squad;
- The Legion, led by its band, had considerable success. A detachment of the Air Force brings up the rear, marking an end to the impressive parade.
After a brief pause, the motorized elements of the Brigades of Paratroopers, Armor, the 10th Colonial Artillery Regiment, and the Colonial Artillery Group of French West Africa (G.A.C.A.O.F.) arrive in turn.
At 1000h, the parade is over, and Mr. Bollaert, Mr. Coste-Florel, General Valluy, and President Hoach congratulate General Nyo for the excellent display by his troops.
Then the dignitaries leave Francis Garnier Square while in the distance sound the unit bands as they return to their quarters.

Les gendarmes français à Saïgon

It was March 20th, 1950, on Catinat Street in Saigon

The French Navy Band of the Maritime Forces of the Far-East paraded on Catinat Street Saigon

On March 20th, the French Navy Band of the F.M.E.O. (Maritime Forces of the Far-East) paraded on Catinat Street past the Continental Palace Hotel to welcome the sailors of the U.S. Navy from the squadon commanded by Admiral Berkey.

Musique de la flotte Saïgon 1950

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

It was July 14th, 1950 in Saigon

Défilé du 14 Juillet 1950 Saigon Un détachement de la Gendarmerie Coloniale Saïgon

In front of the Jean Comte garage on Norodom Boulevard, from left to right in the photographs:
- The crowd gathers to watch the July 14th parade in 1950. The streets of Saigon are well-decorated with French and Vietnamese colors for the event.
- A detachment of the Colonial Police (Gendarmerie).
- Lieutenant colonel Pierre Chateau-Joubert at the head of the 2nd Colonial Half-Brigade of Paratrooper Commandos (DBCCP).
- The Saigon Passing Company of the French Foreign Legion (CPLE).
- The flag of the 43rd RIC (Colonial Infantry Regiment).

Défilé du 14 Juillet 1950 Saigon La Légion Saigon 1950

Right: Presentation of the "Croix de Guerre" medal of the "T.O.E." (Theater of Exterior Operations) to the unit standard of the 5th B.C.C.P. (Colonial Commando Paratrooper Batallion), by General Carpentier.
Left: The Foreign Legion in front of the Jean Comte Garage, located at No. 36, Norodom Boulevard in Saigon.

Source :

la Légion étrangère (CPLE) de Saïgon Le drapeau du 43eme Régiment d'Infanterie Coloniale Saigon <span class= Défilé du 14 Juillet 1950 Saigon
Source :

Maurice Dejean Boulevard Norodom Saïgon 1953

The Foreign Legion in front of the Jean Comte Garage, located at No. 36, Norodom Boulevard in Saigon.

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

It was Novembre 11th 1953 on Norodom Boulevard in Saigon

Maurice Dejean Boulevard Norodom Saïgon 1953

Maurice Dejean, who was named Commissioner-General of Indochina in June 1953; he would leave in 1954 after the fall of Dien Bien Phu.

Défilé des parachutistes et des légionnaires le 27 avril 1947 à Saïgon

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

It was July 7 1954 in Saigon

Le Croiseur Montcalm Saïgon 1954

New Force in Far East waters.
The French heavy cruiser "Montcalm" receives a "Present Arms" salute from French and Vietnamese sailors as it glides into the port of Saigon to swell French Forces fighting in Indochina.
Another cruiser in the same class the "Gloire" arrived with Montcalm. Note the many portholes, a feather, no longer in use on modern navy ships.

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

Défilé des parachutistes et des légionnaires le 27 avril 1947 à Saïgon

French soldiers in Saigon

Marins Rue Catinat Saïgon Marins Rue Catinat Saïgon Marins Rue Catinat Saïgon Soldat français Rue Catinat Saïgon 1951 Ernest Herzog Infanterie de Marine Rue Catinat Saïgon 1955 French soldiers in Catinat Street Saigon

French soldier in Catinat street by Marcelino Truong

French soldiers in  Catinat street by Marcelino Truong

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

Marins Français sur le Porte-Avion Lafayette en mai 1953

May, 1953: French sailors on the aircraft carrier “Lafayette” in front of Charner Boulevard in Saigon.

Insigne Corps Expéditionnaire en Extrême-Orient

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