La Poste de Sagon

Marins Français sur le Porte-Avion Lafayette en mai 1953

Garage Jean Comte 34 Boulevard Norodom Saïgon

Camionnette Renault avec une saïgonnaise

Centre ville de Saïgon

Hotel Caravelle Saïgon

Tramway de Saïgon

Le Boulevard Charner

Renault Fregate & Citroen Traction Saïgon

Hôtel de Ville de Saïgon

Croix-Rouge Française rue Thevenel

Htel Continental Taxi Renault

Hotel du Chemin de Fer Saïgon

Cigares Mlia

Rue Catinat

Camions Cosara de Sagon

Le Palais de la Capitale du Sud-Vietnam

Base militaire de Saigon 1948

Enfants dans une rue de Saïgon

Air France

Eden Sports Saïgon

Les fameux taxis Renault 4CV

Marin vietnamien sur un Vélosolex à Saïgon

Une Renault Dauphine dans une rue de Saïgon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

La terrase d'un café de Saïgon

Imprimeries et Librairies Indochinoises Saïgon

Carrefour du Centre Ville de Saïgon

Renault 4CV & Dauphine Boulevard Charner Saïgon

Jeunes gens en 1967 avec des Mobylettes à Saïgon

Peugeot 203 sur le Boulevard Bonnard à Saïgon

Comptoirs Generaux Indochine

Sagonnaises sur les trottoirs de Saïgon

Confection Tailleur Coya Saïgon

Marin vietnamien sur un Vélosolex à Saïgon

Hôtel Continental de Saïgon vu de la rue Catinat

Jeux dans les rues de Sagon

Marché noir Cigarettes Novembre 1967

En Solex 2200 à Saïgon

Jeunes gens en 1967 avec des Mobylettes à Saïgon

les Messageries Maritimes ont fait le tour du monde

Cathédrale Notre-Dame Saïgon

Boulevard Charner Sagon

La Rue Pasteur ex Pellerin Sagon en 1965 Velosolex Mobylettes

Carrefour du Centre Ville de Saïgon

Carrefour Renault-Dauphine Volkswagen Coccinnelle Saïgon

Taxi Renault 4CV Station-Service Schell

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Drapeau anglais


By Jean Peraud

Paris-Saïgon par Jean Peraud en 1934 Paris-Saïgon en Farman 356

L'entreprise "Avions H. M. D. Farman" (Les trois frères Henri, Maurice et Dick Farman en furent les fondateurs) 167, rue de Silly, Billancourt (Seine).
In December 1933, thanks to my paternal grandmother and to the Aero-Club of Charente, the Renault and Farman companies, I acquired a prized possession: my famous Farman 356, Number 1, fitted with a 120/140 Hp. Renault/Bengali engine.
I immediately proceeded to do a thorough tune-up; as a test-flight, I flew from Paris to Tunis in 10 hours on April 14, 1934. As of that day, I knew I would go to Saigon as my airplane was wonderfully up to the task.

Le Farman moteur Renault-Bengali Raid Paris-Saïgon

Trip log :

26 July
Day one :
2 legs :
2,250 kilometers
1st leg, Paris-Rome: 1,300 kilometers
- Departed Le Bourget at 0350h. Paris-Avignon in a straight line. Bad weather over the Alps forced me to make a detour.
- Avignon, Corsica, Rome : straight course.
2nd leg, Rome-Athens: 1,250 kilometers.
-By way of Naples, Brindisi, Corfu, Agrigou, Athens.
Night landing at 2030h.
Bad weather the whole trip.

27 July
2 legs
2,200 kilometers
1st leg, Athens-Aleppo: 1,425 kilometers
-Departed Athens at 0130h, local time. Over the Aegean Sea I get caught in a thunder storm at an altitude of 2,500 meters; I got out of the storm twice at 800 meters. I notice that lightning had struck my airplane numerous times but without damaging it.
2nd leg, Aleppo-Baghdad : 775 kilometers
- Upon arrival in Baghdad I landed in darkness.

28 July
2 legs
1,750 kilometers
1st leg Baghdad-Bouchir : 875 kilometers
As of Daghora, five hundred kilometers were flown in total darkness, in a violent sandstorm.
2nd leg Bouchir-Djask: 875 kilometers
The trip was flown at approximately 200 km/h. I lifted the engine cover, which I hadn’t looked at since Athens… it’s stronger than I am…!

29 July
2 legs
1,600 kilometers
1st leg, Djask-Karachi: 950 kilometers
150 kms flown in the rain.
2nd leg, Karachi-Jodhpur: 650 kilometers
The first 300 in the rain.
From Karachi to Calcutta, one must watch out for large birds called scavengers. They sleep in the air, staying aloft on strong ascending air currents. When one seeks to pass below these birds, the engine noise awakens and frightens them and they fold their wings and drop like a stone, thus risking damage to the airplane.

30 July
2 legs
1700 kilometers
1st leg, Jodhpur-Allahabad: 950 kilometers
- The weather report ended like this: ‘be careful, very great danger’.
- I took off at 0400h, local; after two hours flying, I ran into the monsoon for three hours and found myself in torrential rain such that we can’t even imagine in our country. I didn’t know if my airplane would hold up.
2nd leg, Allahabad-Calcutta: 750 kilometers
- Two adversaries: The “scavenger birds”, in far greater numbers on this trip, and the monsoon.
Headwind of 30 to 40 km/h.

31 July
2 legs
1200 kilometers
1st leg, Calcutta-Akyab; 600 kilometers
On this trip the least breakdown could lead to death: sea, mountains, virgin forest: drowning, freezing to death, or being eaten!
On July 31st, at 0500h, local, my Farman-Renault, loaded to nearly 80 Kgs per square meter of wing-loading, on a soggy field, made a normal takeoff and cleared the high trees along the edge of the airfield by about 10 meters..This takeoff mightily impressed the British: it said a lot for the quality of my 100% French equipment, down to the spark plugs and instruments.
Out of curiosity, I took a look at one of the Renault spark plugs; it looks as new as it did in Paris.
2nd leg, Akyab-Rangoon : 600 kilometers
The airfield at Akyab is nearly unusable during the monsoon, due to being partially flooded, and for takeoff and landing there is only a strip of bricks 30 by 300 meters long, at a 60 degree angle to the prevailing monsoon.
Thanks to my low-wing Farman, and with very careful use of my ailerons, I was able to land and take off safely while fully loaded. This leg was flown into a 50 to 60 km/h headwind; my cruising (ground) speed was 120 km/h.

1 August
2 legs
1,500 kilometers
1st leg, Rangoon-Bangkok: 700 kilometers.
The most difficult leg of the Paris-Saigon journey.
The immensity of the jungle; overflight of the sea for 450 kilometers, always with a 50 to 60 km/h headwind. Crossing the Burma hump at 2,500 meters between two layers of cloud that sometimes merged.
2nd leg, Bangkok-Saigon: 800 kilometers.
A few thunderstorms, which didn’t seem like much after the monsoon.

Vue aérienne de Saïgon

The factors that led to the success of this endeavor:

The Paris-Saigon Challenge Cup was won by a Master, establishing the talents of the pilot, Jean PERAUD: perseverance, confidence, courage, linked to his value as a navigator.
However, the equipment should also be mentioned as having won out over :
- lightning strikes
- sandstorms
- torrential monsoon rains
The Farman airplane was not affected by the poor weather conditions. The 120 hp RENAULT-Bengali engine didn’t miss a beat despite the worst possible meteorological conditions that could have affected its proper performance.
The Paris-Saigon Cup was a total success.

Maximum Speed 240 km/h
Cruise Speed 200 km/h
Minimum Speed (stall) 85 km/h
Range 1,800 km


Arrival at Le Bourget airport

Arrivée de Jean Peraud à l'aeroport du Bourget

Aviator Jean Peraud’s return to Le Bourget.
"The Paris-Saigon Raid in 6 days, 6 hours"
with the famous Farman 356 Renault-Bengali airplane, the "City of Angoulème II".


100e Liaison Toulouse-Saigon


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