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Agence Havas Saigon

Htel Majestic Sagon

Aigle Azur Indochine

Colette et son velosolex devant le Cafe Givral Saïgon

Vue aérienne de Cholon

Radio Saigon

Femmes Vietnamiennes devant le Garage Charner Saïgon

Rue commercante de Sagon

Rue Catinat

Croix-Rouge Française rue Thevenel

Biere 33 Export Saigon

Devant la Station-Service Schell Cyvlomoteur, Simca P60 Saïgon-Janvier 70

Hotel du Chemin de Fer Saïgon

Hotel Caravelle Saïgon

Lionel Brans Paris-Saigon à bicylette

Place Cuniac Saïgon

Marins Français sur le Porte-Avion Lafayette en mai 1953

Centre ville de Saïgon

Ford Vedette Saïgon

Moine Boudhiste avec un éventail Bière Larue

Htel Majestic

Cigares Mlia

Enfants dans une rue de Saïgon

Centre Ville de Saïgon

Le Boulevard Charner

Le Palais de la Capitale du Sud-Vietnam

Sud-Est Saïgon

Etablissement Lucien Berthet Catinat Saïgon

Jeunes Saïgonnaise rue Catinat

Rivoire et Carret Saigon

Air France

Indochinoises en vlos

Bière 33 Brasseries et Glacières d'Indochine

Vue sur Sagon depuis l'htel Caravelle

Peugeot 403  Sagon

Citroën Ami 8 Saïgon-Janvier 70

Solex Famililal à Saïgon

Les fameux taxis Renault 4CV

Biere Larue de Saïgon

Les fameux taxis Renault 4CV

Peugeot 404 devant le Thtre

Cyclo-pousse, Renault 4CV Saïgon-Janvier 70

Souvenir de Sagon

Le marchand de glaces Ple Nord  Sagon

La semaine à Saïgon-Aout 70

Devant le Parlement Novembre 1963

Les marins français en 1955 sur la rue Le Loi ex boulevard Bonard à Saïgon

les Messageries Maritimes ont fait le tour du monde

Rue Tu Do ( ex-Catinat),Saïgon

Citroen DS19 devant le temple Vinh Nghiem

Cyclistes devant l'Hôtel Continental de Saïgon

Au Ménestrel Saïgon

Taxi Renault 4cv Saïgon

Soldats français en 1955 sur la rue Catinat à Saïgon

Renault 4CV & Dauphine Boulevard Charner Saïgon

Lait SucrÉ Concentré Rosy Saigon

Saigonnaises sur les trottoirs de Saïgon

Cô-Ba Saïgon Hanoï Haïphong

Peugeot 203 Publiciité Jean Comte Saigon

Sipeo Distributeur Kodak Saïgon

Salon de Thé La Pagode Saïgon

Cathedrale Notre Dame Saigon

Moped on Bonard Boulevard Saigon

Cigarettes Nationales

Air Outre Mer Saigon

Enfant sur une Mercedes Sagon

Rue des Marins Cholon

Boulevard Charner Sagon

La Rue Pasteur ex Pellerin Sagon en 1965 Velosolex Mobylettes

Taxi Renault 4CV Station-Service Schell

La Place du Marché à Saïgon

Peugeot 203 sur le Boulevard Bonnard à Saïgon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

Jeux dans les rues de Sagon

Manifestation en cyclomoteurs Saïgon 1967

Renault Fregate & Citroen Traction Saïgon

Simca Aronde sur le Boulevard Charner Sagon

Cathédrale Notre-Dame Saïgon

Calypso Marthe Gaschot Gia Dinh

Jeunes gens en 1967 avec des Mobylettes à Saïgon

Marin vietnamien sur un Vélosolex à Saïgon

La sortie de la messe le dimanche 16 octobre 1948

Le Docteur Irwin S. Leinbach devant le Parlement Novembre 1963

Marché noir Cigarettes Novembre 1967

Une Renault Dauphine dans une rue de Saïgon

Jeunes gens en 1967 avec des Mobylettes à Saïgon

Bastos la cigarette de qualité

Clinique du Cheveu Saigon

Carrefour du Centre Ville de Saïgon

La terrasse Cafe Sagon

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Drapeau francais

The newspapers

Saigon newspapers Saigonnaise avec l'hebdomadaire Paris-Match

In the beginning of the 50's there were 29 daily papers, 14 of which were in Vietnamese, 11 in Chinese, and 4 in French, sharing a clientele of 150,000 readers.
The Vietnamese Press:
Ahn Sang (Light) - Nationalist tendency - 34 Bonard Boulevard
Saigon Moi (Saigon News) - 39 Colonel Grimaud Street
Viet Tanh (Voice of Vietnam) - 21 Frère Louis Street
Chinese Press:
Hoa Ping (Peace) a Franco-Chinese collaboration - 474 Des Marins Street, Cholon
Manh Sin Jih Pao (People's Star) pro Kuomintang - 22 Jaccaréo Street
French Press:
Journal de Saigon 146, Pellerin Sreet
Journal d'Extrême Orient - information - 146 Maréchal Leclerc Street
L'Union Française - conservative tendency - 23-25 Catinat Street

The daily newspaper “L’Union Française” (The French Union).

L'Union Fraçaise de Saïgon
Henry de la Chevrotière diracteur de l' Union Française de Saïgon

The daily newspaper “L’Union Française” was founded by Henry de Lachevrotière whose mission was to inform but also to look out for the interests of France.
On January 12th, 1951, Henry de Lachevrotière was assassinated by the Viet-Minh.
The French Press Agency (AFP) published the following account:
“Friday, at 12:30 p.m., Mr. de Lachevrotière was being driven in his Hotchkiss convertible from his office to his home on the Rue des Épargnes taking, as usual, the Rue Richard. Just before the Richard-Eyriaud des Vergnes intersection, he was passed by a Jeep bearing the yellow license plate of the Consular Corps which was occupied by two terrorists. Pulling alongside Mr. Lachevrotière’s car the passenger threw two grenades into the Hotchkiss. Mr. de Lachevrotière grabbed one and was preparing to throw it back when it exploded. His hand was blown off. With wounds to his body and head which was riddled with shrapnel, Mr. de Lachevrotière died almost instantly. The other grenade severely wounded the chauffeur who was driving Mr. de Lachevrotière.

The Journal of the Far-East
(Le Journal de Saïgon)

Journal de Saïgon quotidien français d'informations

146, Pellerin Street
Telephone : 20.171
This daily paper was founded in 1945 by par Robert Ducret.

The Journal of the Far-East ( le Journal d'Extrême-Orient)
The Saigon Journal (le Journal de Saïgon)

Journal d'Extreme-Orient Saïgon

146, Marechal Leclerc Street (formely Pellerin) now Pasteur.
This daily paper was founded in 1947 by Jules Haag and Pierre-Jean Laspeyres, it was published until 1960.

The weekly paper, “Les Nouvelles” (The News)

Les Nouvelles de Saïgon Les Nouvelles de Saïgon

The News of Sunday and holidays.
The News of Thursday, in magazine and sports magazine format
63, Colombier Street
This weekly paper was founded in 1935 by Marcel Loesch. It was published for nearly 20 years and was the link between the French of Indochina and the homeland.

The monthly "Sud-Est" (South-East)

Sud-Est Saïgon Sud-Est Saïgon Indochine Sud-Est Saïgon

En 1946 monthly periodical published by Editions "Le Verseau"
14, Charner Boulevard
In 1951 Sud-Est Asiatique was published by "Societé Asiatique d'Éditions"
33, Lareynière City
Office at 13e, Taberd Street
Directeur : Jean-Pierre Dannaud.
95 bis, Somme Boulevard Saigon

General Raoul Salan Indochine France-Asie Saïgon Notables en prière

Francis Garnier (Theater) Square Newsstand
now Lam-Son Square

Le marchand de journaux de Saïgon International and Vietnamese newspapers Saigon

The Saigon Courthouse

Palais de Justice de Saïgon

The Courthouse is located at 131 Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny street

Caravelle Hotel

Hotel Caravelle Saïgon

The Hotel Caravelle opened in 1959, at the time, it was located on Francis Garnier Square (Theater).
It housed numerous foreign embassies during the 1960's, as well as the bureaus of the "New York Times" and the "Washington Post". In August 1964 it was the target of a bombing, and in 1975 the hotel was nationalized by the new regime.
It returned to its original name in 1998 following a complete renovation on the square presently known as Lam Son.

Hotel Caravelle Saïgon Hotel Caravelle place Law-Son, rue Tu Do Saigon

In the 60's:
"Air-France" Agency is located at Caravelle Hotel ground floor at the corner of Tu Do Street (formeley Catinat) and Law Son Square (formely Francis Garnier or Theater).

The Vièn Dông department store

magasins Vièn Dông

magasins Vièn Dông

The Vièn Dông stores are located at the corner of 124 Pellerin street (now Pasteur street) and 57-59 Bonard boulevard (now Lê Loi).

Asianis the Pastis from Saigon

Asianis le Pastis de Saïgon

Made by SOFIE Limited at 446, General Chanson boulevard.

The Lien-Seng Stores

magasins Vièn Dông

The Lien-Seng stores are located at:
14-16-18, Francis Garnier Square

From Paris to Saigon
18,000 Kilometers by bicycle
Lionel Brans

Lionel Brans Paris-Saigon à bicylette

A craftsman-manufacturer of bicycles and cycling-traveler, Lionel Brans leaves from the Zero Km. Marker in front of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on November 11th, 1948, and arrives in Calcutta on July 25, 1949.
He’ll reach Saigon by plane from Calcutta on August 6th, 1949 because of the war in Burma and South Indochina. .
He carried 41 Kg. (90 lbs.) of baggage on his bicycle (including a center-pole tent, a comforter, two spare tires, all the necessary tools to make repairs, and even canned food just in case…).
He survived a winter crossing of the Balkans (down to – 22 deg. F), which would be marked by an attack by wolves as well as the heat of the desert. He would be attacked by bandits, dodged gunfire, came nose-to-nose (or to muzzle) with a tiger in India, escaped illness… but arrived safely!.
With letters of introduction that would help him with administrative procedures and with border-crossings, it would be clippings from local newspapers that he would show to suspicious police and customs officers.

Saigon-Paris by scooter Peugeot

Saïgon-Paris à scooter Peugeot en 1957

Riding Peugeot scooters, two quartermasters from (French) naval aviation, Michel Vaslin and Serge Cracuin, traveled from Saigon to Paris in 1956. Departing Saigon on April 21st, they arrived in Paris on August 25th, having crossed Cambodia, Siam (Thailand), India, Iran, Turkey, Yugoslavia and Italy... on their strictly stock 125 cc Peugeot scooters.
Only one flat tire in 17,000 Km traveled!

Saïgon-Paris en scooter Peugeot


Tan Son Nhut Airport

Tan Son Nhut Airport

Tan Son Nhut Association Saïgon aérodrome de Tan Son Nhut aérodrome de Tan Son Nhut

The airport is a small village protected by barbed wire, watch towers, floodlights, soldiers and machine guns. It's the heart of Indochina with intense traffic of an airplane a minute for each minute of the day. It's closed at night.

Sita Company Saigon

Saigon residents can travel to the interior of Indochina thanks to companies such as C.O.S.A.R.A. and the Taxi Planes of Indochina that were created in a few months or even a few weeks by former civilian or military pilots – adventurers who had mysterious startup capital and contacts among the well-off Annamites.

Aéroport Tan Son Nhut Saïgon

Lucien Bodart, in his book “L'Enlisement” (The Bogging-down), wrote :
« Than Son Nhut plays an essential role in the worldly life of the people of Saigon who come to greet those who are arriving and departing…the importance of travelers can almost be measured mathematically at the airport by the number of people who take time out in their honor »
The beginning of the ‘50’s would see the birth of a new company, Air Vietnam, co-owned in equal parts by Air France and the Vietnamese government.

Air Vietnam

Air Vietnam
123, Bonard boulevard
12, Norodom boulevard

Les premiers passagers d'Air Vietnam

The beginning of the ‘50’s would see the birth of a new company, Air Vietnam, co-owned in equal parts by Air France and the Vietnamese government.

Compagnie Air Vietnam

Air Vietnam Caravelle

Air Vietnam Caravelle

Caravelle III (XV-NJA)

Far-East Air Transport Society

magasins Vièn Dông
Cosara Saïgon

Far-East Air Transport Society
Chartered by “ Cosara ”
The best organization of Private aviation in Indochina
5 à 13, Turc street

Shuttle Buses between Turc street and Tan Son Nhut airport. Cosara flights Saigon to the Cap Saint-Jacques, Soctrang, Pnom-Penh, Phanthiet, Dalat, Banméthuot, Pleiku, Nhatrang, Pleiku, Natrang, Tourane, Donghoï, Hue and Hanoï.

L'autobus Cosara de Saïgon en 1953 L'autobus Cosara de Saïgon en 1953 Les Camions de la Cosara de Saïgon en 1953

Taxi Planes of Indochina

Avion Taxi Indochine
92, Pellerin street

Avion Taxi Indochine

Societé Indochinoise de Transports Aériens
(Indochina Air Transport Company)

5, Le Myre de Villers Embankment

Eventually these companies will acquire “Dakotas” (C-47’s, A.K.A. DC-3’s) and obtain partnerships for some of them from Air France which has just taken over "Air Orient"


Air France

Air France à Saigon
12, Norodom boulevard
122-130 Tu Do street (formely Catinat)
1, Fou-Kien street Cholon

« Air France » was the only flight from Saigon to Europe.

Un DC 4 Air France à Saigon Air France à Saigon

Aigle Azur

Aigle Azur Indochina

65, Le Loi street


Reference of Saigon Street Names
1951 1955 Now
Adrian Street Mac Thi Buoi
Bonard Boulevard Lê Loi
Catinat Street Tu Do Street Đồng Khởi
Charner Boulevard Nguyễn Huệ
Chasseloup-Laubat Street Nguyen Thi Minh Khai
Francis Garnier Square Theatre Square Lam Son Square
Galliéni Boulevard Tran Hung Dao
Jean Eudel Street Nguyen Tat Thanh
Luro Boulevard Ton Duc Thang
Mac Mahon Boulevard Nam Ky Khoi Nghia
Norodom Boulevard Lê Duan
Paul Blanchy Street Hai Ba Trung
Pellerin Street Pasteur Street Pasteur Street
Rosseau Street Nguyen Binh Khiem
Somme Boulevard Rue Ham Nghi
Vannier Street Ngo Duc Ke
Verdun Street Cach MangThang
Boulevard Kitchener Nguyên Thai Hoc


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