Velosolex et Camion Citroen Saigon

La Légion Étrangère à Hanoì

Htel Continental Cyclomoteur Mars 1951

Ancien Établissements Eiffel Saigon

Vendeuse dans les rues de Saïgon

Cinema Leloi Saigon

Touristes françaises en Cyclomoteur à Saïgon

La semaine Saigon avril 1967

Voyagez avec les troupes coloniales

Imprimeries et Librairies Indochinoises Saïgon

Gia Long Velosolex Saiuml;gon

Saïgon 15 Février 1953

Havas Piblicité Saïgon

Sud Est Saigon Fevrier 1950

Grands Magasins Charner Saïgon

Camions Renault Vietnam

Hotel Continental Saigon

Les Halles Centrales Saïgon

Cigarettes Job Indochine

Jeunes femmes vietnamiennes Saiuml;gon

Au centre le Commandant Ourta Saigon mars 1952

Garage Jean Comte 34 Boulevard Norodom Saïgon

Brodart rue Catinat Saïgon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

Cosara Saigon 1953

Rue Catinat en 1946

Automoto Saïgon

Biere Larue Saigon

Compagnie Laotienne Commerce Transport

Pachod Frères Indochine

Colonel Revon rue Catinat Saïgon 1952

Rue Catinat

La Banque B.N.C.I de Sagon

Rue Catinat Saigon dimanche 15 juin 1952

Melia Cigarettes Saigon

Citroën Traction et Ford Vedette sur le boulevard Bonard à Saïgon

Aigle Azur Saigon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

La Maison Brodart, rue Catinat

Soldat Armée Air en solex Saigon

Hôtel de Ville Saïgon  Ford Vedette Citroën Traction

Jean Comte Velosolex Saigon Indochine

Hotel Caravelle Saigon

Livre Cholon JM de Kermadec

Colonel Revon rue Catinat Saïgon 1952

le gnral De Lattre de Tassigny avec un gnral amricain

Ogliastro Saigon

Défilé des parachutistes et des légionnaires le 27 avril 1947 à Saïgon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

Femmes Saïgon 1953

Cigarettes Nationales Saigon

Le Grand Monde Miss Saigon 1954

Colette et son velosolex devant le Cafe Givral Saïgon

Femmes devant le magasin de Lucien Berthet Saïgon en 1953

Civil rue Catinat Saigon

Soldat Français Saïgon 1953

Garage Charner Saigon

ARVN War memorial, Peugeot 203, Citroën Ami 6

Air Vietnam Saïgon

jeunes sagonnaises

Htel Continental Cyclomoteur Mars 1951

Rue Tu Do - Catinat Saïgon

Chez Brodard

Mobylette Cady Saigon

Tonkin Haute Région Lac Babé

La Pagode Saïgon

Hongay votre anthracite

SCTI Transitaire Saigon

Messageries Maritimes

Le Monument aux morts de Saïgon

Air france Indochine

Renault Goelette

Paul Doumer

Sipeo Kodak Saigon

Soldats Français dans Saigon en avril 1950

Cigarettes Bastos

Rue Tu Do Saigon 1970

Annam Indochine

Taxi Renault 4 CV

Air France Saigon

Bière Hommel BGI Saigon

Etablissements Olympic Saigon

La Cathédrale Notre Dame Saigon

Sud Est Asiatique Juillet 1952

Etablissements Marthe Gaschot Saigon

Cigarettes Mic Extra Cholon

Derrière la cathédrale de Saigon

Jeune Vietnamienne devant la polyclinique de enfants Saigon

Ciné Radio Saigon

Course de Cyclo-Pousse Saigon 1948

Soldats Armée Air Saïgon 1951

Pan American

Grand Hotel Saïgon

General Salan Hanoi Indochine

La semaine a Sagon en 1961

Lait concentre Rosy

Tombola des leves pauvres et orphelins Saigon 1954

Cochinchine Indochine franaise

Cigarettes Cotab Cholon

Marin français à Saïgon

Boites aux lettres Saigon

Societ des Imprimeries et Librairies Indochichoises Saigon

Femmes rue Catinat Saïgon

Solex Famililal à Saïgon

Autoradio Philips Saigon

Air France

Etudiants Vietnamiens Saiuml;gon

Arroyo chinois de  Saïgon

La Légion Étrangère à Hanoì

Le velosolex au Vietnam

La sortie de la messe le dimanche 16 octobre 1948

Femmes devant Brodard Saigon septembre 1950

Le Combattant Indochine

General de Lattre de Tassigny Saigon

Rue Catinat Saigon

Asianis le Pastis de Sagon

Grands Magasins Charner Saïgon

Renault Goelette Vung Tau Saigon

Bonard Boulevard Saigon

Opticien Michaux Saigon

Hôtel de Ville Saïgon  Ford Vedette Citroën Traction

Rfugis vietnamiens sur USS Montague Haphong 1954

Sipeo Kodak Saigon

Htel Continental Taxi Renault

Transports Aériens Hanoï

En 1950 le Boulevard Charner Saïgon

La semaine à Saïgon-Aout 69

Velosolex Hanoi

Concessionnaire Misetal Dynard Panhard

Saigon-Phnom-Penh en 1953

Air france Indochine

Aigle Azur Saigon

Notre Dame Cathedral Saigon

Les Paras et les Tirailleurs  Saïgon

TAI Tranports Aériens Intercontinentaux Indochine

7 Jours à Saïgon

Aigle Azur Saigon

Restaurant Kim Long, Renault 4 cv Saïgon

Touristes françaises en Cyclomoteur à Saïgon

Femmes Vietnamiennes devant le Garage Charner Saïgon

Travail Famille Patrie Indochine

Le Tonkin Indochine Franaise

Saigon Paris Charles de Gaulle à partir du 1er Novembre 1974

Le Docteur Irwin S. Leinbach devant son Ambulance Peugeot de l'Hôpital Cho-Ray de Saïgon

Au centre le Commandant Ourta Saigon mars 1952

Garage Peugeot Jean Compte Saigon

Vietnam Tourist Centre

Citroen DS19 devant le temple Vinh Nghiem

Bireleys Saigon

Hotel Rex, Renault 4 CV, Velosolex, Traction Citroën Saigon 1966

Epicerie Saigonnaise Lien Seng Saïgon

Avion Taxi Indochine

Boulevard Bonard Saigon

Gendarme Français Vietminh

Bière Alsace Salzbruk

Rivoire et Carret Saigon

Femme vietnamienne Saigon

Velosolex 330 Saigon

Sud Est Asiatique Saïgon

Biere 33 Export Saigon

Bus Citroen Saigon

Femme en Velosolex rue Catinat Saïgon

Bastos la cigarette de qualité

Brodart-Le Bougnat Saigon

Pâtes Delices Saigon

Ligne de Bus Saigon-Mytho en 1951 Tour de Guet contre les Vietminhs

Solex boulevard Bonard Saigon

Htel Continental Cyclomoteur 23 Juin 1947

Asianis le Pastis de Sagon

Sud Est Asiatique Saïgon

Grand Hotel du Commerce Haïphong

Soldat Français Saigon 1954

Femmes Saïgon 1953

Renault 10 Vietnam Cong Ty Saïgon

La semaine à Saïgon-Aout 70

Pachod Frères Indochine

Grand Hotel Saïgon

Bière 33 Saigon

Simca Aronde sur le Boulevard Charner Sagon

Photo Tay Ho

Lionel Brans Paris-Saigon à bicylette

Jeune Saïgonnaise 1954


Etudiants Vietnamiens Saiuml;gon

Les arcades de Saigon 1950

Air Vietnam Saigon Paris

Quartier-Maitre contemplant la Baie Along en 1953

Femmes rue Catinat Saiuml;gon

Savon Viet-nam

Air France

Les Messageries Maritimes ont fait le tour du monde

Renault Fregate & Citroen Traction Saïgon

Havas : les bonnes adresses de Saïgon

Air Vietnam Saigon 1952

Etudiants Vietnamiens Saiuml;gon

Eden Sports Saïgon

Eglise Cap Saint Jacques

Femme vietnamienne Saigon

Jeunes filles saigonnaises

Arrêt des autobus Boulevard de la Somme à Saïgon en 1946

Aigle Azur Indochine

Jeunes Saigonnais rue Catinat

Compagnie maritime des Chargeurs Réunis Saigon

Agence Havas Saigon

Grands Magasins Charner Saïgon

La sortie de la messe le dimanche 16 octobre 1948

Manifestation Saigon 1968

Taxi Renault 4 CV de Sagon

Gendarmes dans la rue Catinat Saïgon Août 1951

Peugeot 203 Publiciité Jean Comte Saigon

Notables en prière

Rue Catinat en 1946

Femmes sur la rue Catinat Saigon

Femmes devant le magasin Nouveautés Catinat Saïgon

Velosolex 45 CC Saïgon

La Pagode Saigon

Cigarettes Nationales

La semaine a Saigon 1969

Mariage de Lucien Lutun Saiuml;gon

Sud Est Asiatique Juillet 1952

Anthracite tonkinois

Femmes rue Catinat Saiuml;gon

Cigares Mlia

Vietnamiennes sur un Velosolex Saïgon

Biere 33 BGI Saigon

Bière Larue Indochine

Cyclo-Pousse Saigon

Aigle Azur Indochine

Renault Goelette Vung Tau

Cathedrale de Saigon

Soldat Français rue Catinat Saïgon 1952

Établissements Bainier Indochine Saïgon

Shell Vietnam

Two monks in Saigon Air France

Grande Pharmacie de France Saigon

duong Tu-Do ex rue catinat Saïgon septembre 1955

Bastos la cigarette de qualit

Cigares Mlia

Agence Havas Saigon

Savon Viet-nam

Cap Saint Jacques le phare

Concessionnaire Misetal Dynard Panhard

Plan de Saigon

Port de Haïphong

Tramway de Saïgon

Jacques Chansel rue Catinat Saiuml;gon

Sud Est Asiatique Juillet 1952

La rivière Saïgon

Les Militaire Franais devant l'htel Continental

Lait SucrÉ Concentré Rosy Saigon

La Banque B.N.C.I de Saigon

La sortie de la messe le dimanche 16 octobre 1948

Le Docteur Irwin S. Leinbach devant son Ambulance Peugeot de l'Hôpital Cho-Ray de Saïgon

Joseph Maugis Professeur Lycée Chasseloup Laubat Saiuml;gon

Cigarettes Nationales Saigon

Engagez-vous rengagez-vous

Mensuel France Indochine

La semaine à Saïgon-Aout 70

jeunes sagonnaises

Ford Vedette Saïgon

Velosolex 330 Saigon

Sud Est Asiatique

Air Vietnam Saigon 1952

Chez Brodard

Une femme et ses deux enfants rue Catinat Saigon

Femme vietnamienne Saigon

Soldats americains 1973

Aigle Azur Indochine

Sipeo Kodak Saigon

Velosolex et Camion Citroen Saigon

Femmes Vietnamiennes devant le Garage Charner Saïgon

Revue Cercle Sportif Saïgonnais 1957

Taxi Renault 4cv Saïgon

Gendarmes dans la rue Catinat Saïgon Août 1951

Femme vietnamienne Saigon

Femme vietnamienne Saigon

Soldat Français Velosolex 45 1952

Automoto Saïgon

Htel Continental Taxi Renault

Passage Eden Saiuml;gon

Ford Vedette Saïgon

Rue des Marins Cholon

Grand Hotel du Commerce Haïphong

Vietnamiennes sur un Velosolex Saïgon

Vietnamiennes rue Catinat Saiuml;gon

Joseph Maugis Professeur Lycée Chasseloup Laubat Saiuml;gon

Cigarettes Cotab Cholon

Femmes sur la rue Catinat Saigon

Renault Outre Mer Indochine

Etablissement Lucien Berthet Catinat Saïgon

Femmes en Renault 4 CV devant le Théâtre de Saïgon

7 Jours à Saïgon

Gendarmes dans la rue Catinat Saïgon Août 1951

Depuis le café de la "Pointe des Blagueurs" la station maritime Mobil

Concessionnaire Misetal Dynard Panhard

Le Généraux Cogny Indochine

Union Francaise

Asianis le Pastis de Sagon

Bière 33 Saigon

Aigle Azur Saigon

Peugeot 203 Saigon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

Jeux dans les rues de Sagon

Place Francis Garnier

Aigle Azur Indochine

Enfants de Saigon

Au Menestrel Saigon 1950

Vietnamienne boulevard Charner Saigon

Les Banderoles de Films en 1948 Saïgon

Soldats Français Catinat Saïgon

La Croix du Sud rue Catinat Saïgon

Le restaurant Kim Phu Dung Saigon

Imprimeries et Librairies Indochinoises Saïgon

Camion Tous Terrains Indochine

Plantation Heveas

Air France

Librairie Portail Waterman Saigon

Comptoirs Generaux Indochine

Sipeo Kodak Saigon

Port de Haïphong

Peugeot 203 Saigon

Motard escorte d honneur Saigon 1949

Agence Havas Saigon

Indochine Sud Est Asiatique Saigon

Le Café "Pointe des Blagueurs Saigon

Touristes françaises en Cyclomoteur à Saïgon

Base militaire de Saigon 1948

Location voitures Saigon

Femmes devant le magasin de Lucien Berthet Saïgon en 1953

Pharmacie Nguyen-Van-Cao Saïgon

Htel Continental Cyclomoteur 23 Juin 1947

Air Vietnam Saigon 1952


Souvenir from Cap Saint-Jacques


Drapeau francais
Deux Pages sur
"Vũng Tàu - Le Cap Saint-Jacques"
Pages: [1] - [2]
Drapeau anglais
Two Pages on
"Vũng Tàu - Cap St.Jacques"
Pages: [1] - [2]


Mekong Indochine Française

Vũng Tàu (Cape St. Jacques)
Old Postcards & Photos
Vũng Tàu (Focus on Colonial Buildings)
Compilation & Interpretation by Paul Thompson
Send an email to Paul Thompson : here

Vũng Tàu March 2020


Cap St.Jacques : Point of support of Saigon

Bouches du Mekong Cap Saint Jacques Point d'appui de Saigon

The situation of Cape St. Jacques on the China Sea.

French sailors in Cape St. Jacques

Marine Nationale Le Cap Saint-JacquesPlage des Cocotiers Cap St. Jacques 1960

In 1953 French sailors in front the road sign located Quai Lanessan.

Cape St. Jacques - Vũng Tàu lottery ticket

Billet de Loterie Cap Saint-Jacques

Cape St. Jacques - Vũng Tàu lottery ticket on October 24, 1961.


Arrival of French troops in the port of Cap St. Jacques

Cape St. Jacques is located at the end of a small peninsula, 125 Km. Southwest of Saigon at the mouth of the Donnaï (in Vietnamese: Sông Đồng Nai).
It was named by Portuguese navigators who sailed along this coast in the 15th century and named it St. Jacques.

Cap Saint-Jacques 1930

From Marseille, the voyage could last up to two months, depending on the ports of call: Mers el Kébir, Alexandria, Port Said, Djibouti, Aden, before reaching the Indian Ocean, then Colombo, Singapore – Cape St. Jacques is the first land seen by travelers arriving in Indochina.

Transfer of French troops to the freighter "Auguste Pavie"

Cap Saint-Jacques 1930

On February 1, 1947 French troops are transferred from the liner "Ile de France" from Marseille to the cargo ship "Auguste Pavie" bound for Saigon.

Merchant ship entering the port of Cap St. Jacques

Merchant ship Cap St. Jacques


Cap St.Jacques 1939 Map

Map Cap St. Jacques 1939

C : Caserne (Barracks), M : Marché (Market), E : Église (Church), I Garde Indigène (Indigenous Guard), R : Bureau de la Résidence (Townhall), T : Poste (Post Office).
1 : Grand Hôtel Grand Hotel), 2 : Hôtellerie du Cap Saint-Jacques (Annex).

Marine Nationale

Historical Population Data from 1950 to 2020

* 23000 *

* The above figures were provided by the Vietnamese administration.
With regard to the year 1950, it should be noted that there is a difference with those of the French authorities. This gives a population of the city of Cap Saint-Jacques of 12,910 inhabitants and not 23,000.

Indochina Tourist Guide

Indochina Tourist Guide
Edition G. Taupin & Co
Paul Bert Street

(Source Bnf Gallica)

* Seaside resort - Fortified Square - 7.000 inhabitants
- Distances to: Saigon 125 km - Baria 24 km
Ambulances, Gendarmerie, Police station, Garrison.
* By road to Baria, Bien-Hoa, Saïgon.
- "Grand Hôtel" - 56 rooms: breakfast; 0 $ 50, lunch; 2 Piastres; dinner 2 Piastres.
- "Hostellerie du Cap Saint-Jacques" - 20 rooms: breakfast; 0 $ 50, lunch; 2 Piastre, dinner 2 piastres.
* Waterway line from Saigon to Baria.
* Must see. - The Than-Tam Pagoda (Stone Buddha).
* Excursions:
- Promenade of the Grande Corniche:
- Promenade of the Petite Corniche:
- Ti-Ouan beach (rocks):
- Hill-climb (lighthouse), 200m. altitude.
To get from Saïgon to Cap Saint-Jacques, go through Bien-Hoa and turn right, after this center, at km 31, then R.C. n ° 15. Very scenic route overall.

Marine Nationale

Annuaire téléphonique - Cap Saint-Jacques - Phone book

Annuaire Didot-Bottin Viet-Nam
Gaston Méritte
48, rue Aviateur Garros
Saïgon (Sud-Viet-Nam)
Tél : 21.922
René Tarrin
37, rue de Châteaudun
Paris IX (France)

- Bar S.O.S, restaurant, quai Lanessan Tél: 24
- Dang Nien, 79-81 place du Marché Tél: 19
- Dispensaire, route Ben-Dinh Tél: 9
- Douanes et Régies, recette subordonnée, route de Baria Tél: 21
- Garde du Viet-Nam (sud) brigade, boulevard Escourbet Tél: 7
- Grand Hôtel, quai Lanessan Tél: 17
_ Haut-Commissariat de France en Indochine, quai Lanessan Tél: 2
- " Sécurité (poste), boulevard Escourbet Tél: 8
- Hoc-Ho, commerçant, 20-22 place du Marché Tél: 25
- Mairie (bureau), boulevard Landes Tél: 3
- Marine (subdivision renflouements), rue Marcellot Tél: 27
- Phare, Tél: 11
- Pilotage, quai Lanessan Tél: 6
- P.T.T. receveur, quai Lanessan Tél 13 & 14
- " guichets Tél 26
- radio (station) Tél: 20
- Sûreté Nationale (Police spéciale), boulevard Landes Tél: 15
- Tran Phu Sen, restaurant, 63 place du Marché Tél: 28
- Tran Van Sanh, équipement militaire, 2 rue Arduser Tél: 16
- Travaux Publiques (subdivision), rue Rougeot Tél: 12
- Trésor, rue Marcellot Tél: 22
- Usine électrique, boulevard Escourbet Tél: 10

Marine Nationale

Baie Des Cocotiers Front Beach: Views to the West 1934 Map

Map Cap St. Jacques 1934

Baie des Cocotiers Panoramic view

Panoramic View

Baie Des Cocotiers Front Beach: Views to the West 1960

Les pêcheurs du Cap Saint-Jacques Plage des Cocotiers Cap St. Jacques 1960

Why the name of Villa Blanche?
Paul Doumer Governor General of French Indochina from 1897 to 1902 wished to give the name of his wife Blanche to his summer residence in Cap Saint-Jacques.

The White House (Palace) - La Villa Blanche - Bạch Dinh

Plage des Cocotiers Cap St. Jacques 1960

The White Villa was built in 1898 by the architect Antoine Genet at the request of Paul Doumer, Governor-General of Indochina and future president of the French Republic.
Paul Doumer was elected President of the French Republic on 13 May 1931. On 6 May 1932, Paul Doumer was in Paris at the opening of a book fair at the Hôtel Salomon de Rothschild, talking to the author Claude Farrère. Suddenly several shots were fired by Paul Gorguloff, a mentally unstable Russian émigré. Paul Doumer was rushed to the hospital in Paris, where he died at 04:37 AM on 7 May.

Plage des Cocotiers Cap St. Jacques 1955

The exterior walls of the White House are decorated with pearls and Greek-inspired statues.
It was later used to receive numerous dignitaries of the South Vietnamese Republic (notably Ngô Đình Diệm also his wife madame Nhu (Trần Lệ Xuân) and Nguyễn Văn Thiệu) as well as American soldiers; today the White villa is a museum.

Villa Blanche Cap St. Jacques 1955

The Big Mountain - Le grand Massif - Núi Lớn

Le Grand Massif Cap Saint Jacques 1950 Le Grand Massif Cap Saint Jacques 1956

Timeline for White House (Palace) - Villa Blanche - Bạch Dinh

Villa du Gouverneur Général Cap St. Jacques 1908

- 1898-1902: Construction
- 1902-1907: Unofficial Indochina Governor-General (Jean Baptiste Paul Beau)
- 1907-1916: Emperor Thành Thái residence during house arrest
- 1916-1925: Official Indochina Governor-General palace/retreat
- 1926-55: Emperor Bảo Đại (Head of State from 1949) palace/retreat
- 1955-75: Presidents of South Vietnam/Military Junta palace/retreat
: Ngô Đình Diệm 1955-63
: Military Junta 1963-67
: Nguyễn Văn Thiệu 1967-75
- 1975-1991: Out of use
- 1991: First used as a museum
- 1992: Recognized as a national historical and cultural relic;
restoration and renovation into a tourist attraction.

Villa du Gouverneur Général Cap St. Jacques 1908

Marine Nationale - the French Navy

Marine Nationale Le Cap Saint-Jacques Marine Nationale Le Cap Saint-Jacques

The Commandant’s office at Cape St. Jacques is located on Rue de la Concession near the Fisheries office and the R&R center.


Letter From Cholon to Cap St.Jacques (Conchinchina)

Letter From Cholon to Cape St.Jacques

July 1936 : Letter from Cholon to Cape St.Jacques (Cochinchina)
to Monsieur Yves Le Goff (Pilot Service). Pilotage, quai Lanessan Tel: 6


Grand Hotel du Cap

Grand Hotel Cap Saint Jacques Grand Hotel Cap Saint Jacques

The Grand Hotel du Cap was built in 1897 - The leading Hotel at the Cap.
Billiard Room - English & French Billiards.
Golf, Tennis, Crockets, Rowing.
Sundry others games.
Special Dinner on the terrace veranda.
In 1919 Administrators-Directors : A. Frasseto & Sicé
Chef: Lasseube, de chez Drouant, 1, rue Gaillon, ParisS
The Grand Hotel was on Lanessan Dock (across from Bãi Trước)
Grand Hotel
quai Lanessan
Tel: 17

Hotel Mottet Cap Saint-Jacques Grand Hotel Cap Saint-Jacques Grand Hotel Cap Saint Jacques

Grand Hotel du Cap
directed by M. L. Andreani (during WWII).
The pleasant Cap St-Jacques beach offers you comforting sea baths, shaded walks, the Grand Hotel excellent service, a well-stocked table, a large airy bedroom.
Moderate Prices = Specials = For Families

Grand Hotel in 1971

Grand Hotel Cap Saint-Jacques 1971

The Grand Hotel in Vũng Tàu - © 1971 Barry Connors - Austalian Army

Plage du Cap Saint-Jacques 1930


Location of Vũng Tàu/Cap St. Jacques Lighthouse

Location Lighthouse

1910 The Lighthouse - Ngọn hải đăng - Le Phare

Cap Saint Jacques le phare Etablissements Henry Lepaute Paris 15

This lighthouse is located on small moutain (massif du phare).

1911 The Lighthouse - Ngọn hải đăng - Le Phare

Cap Saint Jacques le phare Cap Saint Jacques le phare

The Cape St. Jacques lighthouse is located on top of the Telegraph mountain (now Nui Nho), with the present structure having been built in 1911.
It is 3 meters in diameter and 18 meters tall; next to it are four old French cannons (10 meters long and weighing several tons). They were formerly used to defend the region against naval attacks.
The lighthouse provides an exceptional panoramic view over the entire Cape St. Jacques (Vũng Tàu).
It is fitted with a lighthouse lens designed by Henry Lepaute Company, located at 11, Desnouettes Street in the 15th district of Paris.
(Les Annales coloniales, 3 novembre 1910)
Les travaux de construction d'un phare sur le sommet du massif du Cap Saint-Jacques, en remplacement du phare actuel, sont poussés activement. Les caractéristiques de ce feu seront les suivantes :
Caractère : feu éclair à groupe de 2 éclats blancs, toutes les dix secondes ;
Forme : tour ronde en maçonnerie ;
Hauteurs : 1° au-dessus du sol, 15 mètres ; 2° au-dessus des hautes mers, 197 mètres. C'est le 20 avril de cette année qu'ont commencé les travaux de ce nouveau phare dont la mise en service aura lieu probablement en février 1911.

1955 The Lighthouse - Ngọn hải đăng

Cap Saint Jacques le phare The lighthouse Vung Taun

2020 The Lighthouse - Ngọn hải đăng

Cap Saint Jacques le phare Cap Saint Jacques le phare

Major modification with buttress support.

Lighthouse Profile Through Time
Showing Some Minor and Major Modifications

Panoramic View


L'église de Cap St.Jacques Nhà Thờ (Church)

Cape St-Jacques Church Nhà Tho Church Cape St Jacques

The catholic church, built during the French period, is a mixture of Chinese and Western inspiratioin, a bit like the church of Notre-Dame-des-Missions-du Cygne D’Enghien in Epinay-sur-Seine in France.
The church of Cape St. Jacques is located on Trần Hưng Đạo Street.

pNhà Tho Church Cape St Jacques

In 1942 two French colonials in front of the Catholic church of
Cape St.Jacques.

Wedding at Cap St.Jacques

Wedding in Cap St.Jacques

Cap St.Jacques, Saturday October 22, 1955 wedding of a French soldier with a Cochinchinese woman.


La plage des Cocotiers - Bãi Trước (plage du Devant)

Plage des Cocotiers Vung Taun

During the ‘50’s, Cape St. Jacques was a beach resort and a R&R center for French soldiers.
- The Mayor’s office was located on the Boulevard des Landes.
- The Grand Hotel was on Lanessan Dock (across Bãi Trước).
Account of a French soldier staying at Coconut Beach on Cape St. Jacques:
…And this is why I was granted several days of R&R at Cape St. Jacques and that’s also where I took my first midnight swim!!!
What a pleasure it was to go out to the beach in the evening and to watch those large-shrimp fishermen, who, nearly naked in the water pulled in their nets where one could see the fluorescent eyes of these little creatures that we ate the next day.
It couldn’t last, but we knew that. It’s not like what happened to those who came after us, and who were massacred in the same place where we were.
Jean Gourbil Decembre 1950

Indeed, on July 21st, 1952, an attack by the Vietminh resulted in 20 killed and 23 wounded in an R&R center at Cape St. Jacques.

The French R&R centre in Cap Saint-Jacques

Centre de Repos Cap Saint-Jacques Indochine Centre de Repos Cap Saint-Jacques Indochina

Centre de Repos - R&R Centre - Cap Saint-Jacques - Indochina.
T.F.E.O. (Troupes Française d'Extrême-Orient - French Troops from the Far East)
Quai Lanessan

The S.O.S. bar at Cap Saint Jacques

Le Bar SOS du Cap Saint-Jacques

Bar S.O.S, restaurant (Bar S.O.S is located 100 meters from the R&R)
Quai Lanessan
Tel: 24
At the end of the "40’s and beginning of the ‘50’s, the S.O.S. bar was the meeting spot for the soldiers of the French Expeditionary Corps on R&R".
The charming bungalow lost in the greenery, that’s the S.O.S., a bar and restaurant lost in Indochina. You can get a drink (neat), you can eat (well), and you can dance (if you want to).
Its terrace swept by the sea breeze is the refuge of poets and dreamers (indeed, quite often both).
You can gaze at the sea to the horizon, white at dawn, red and gold at sunrise then going through purple pink and blue before the divine star sinks back into it.
At night, the lights of the junks and the luminous ray of the lighthouse play strange symphonies.
Jean Petersen

Le Bar SOS du Cap Saint-Jacques

A moment of rest in 1950

SOS Bar Cap Saint-Jacques 1950

French soldiers drinking a beer at the S.O.S. Bar April 23 1950).
Bar S.O.S. Bar was located 100 meters from the R&R.

Cape St. Jacques in 1953

Restaurant Cap Saint-Jacques 1953

French soldiers eating fishes in Cape St.Jacques restaurant (S.O.S. bar January 1953).

Bãi Trước

Plage des Cocotiers  Cap Saint-Jacques 1953

Preparing a fishes meal on the beach (Plage des Cocotiers August 1953).

Plage des Cocotiers  Cap Saint-Jacques 1953

The sandy beach opens onto the Baie des Cocotiers
Bãi Trước

La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques Joseph Culat Cap Saint Jacques

Left photo: in 1953, in the foreground some Vietnamese girls and behind them French soldiers residing at the R&R center of Cap Saint-Jacques, the famous kiosk "Aux Canots Flottants" which provided beachgoers with drinks and some pastries.
Right photo: in 1939 Joseph Culat with his family in Cap St.Jacques, the photograph shows the Grand Hotel Annex in the background.

La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques

Coconut in may 1950

La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques 1950

Twilight on Coconut Bay

La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques

La plage des Cocotiers - Bãi Trước in 1951

La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques

La plage des Cocotiers - Bãi Trước in 1955

La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques 1955

© The color slides were taken by Mr. Emile Poizat in 1955.

La plage des cocotiers Cap Saint-Jacques 1955

Cape St.Jacques Downtown in 1955

Centre ville Cap Saint-Jacques 1955

French family in Cap St. Jacques
© The color slides were taken by Mr. Emile Poizat in 1955.

Vũng Tàu Downtown in 1968

Vũng Tàu's main thoroughfare with a Citroën Ami 6

Vũng Tàu's main thoroughfare with a Citroën Ami 6 in the fore ground.

Vũng Tàu Downtown 1968 Peugeot 203 convertible Vũng Tàu 1971

Vũng Tàu Downtown in 1971

Vũng Tàu's main thoroughfare with a Citroën Ami 6

Vũng Tàu's main thoroughfare with a Peugeot 203 convertible ~ © Barry Connors.


Cape St.Jacques Market - Chợ Vũng Tàu

The Market Square Cape St.Jacques

The Market Square Cape St.Jacques in 1954.

Le Marché du Ca Saint Jacques

Vũng Tàu Market - Chợ Vũng Tàu

The Market Square Cape St.Jacques 1970

The Market Square in 1970. © Barry Connor (Hospital Vung Tau 1970-71)

Photo Hoc Ho

Hoc Ho Photo Saint-Jacques 1936

Letter sent in 1936 by Hoc Ho Photo for the "Photo-Plait Company in Paris.
24-26, Market Square Cape St.Jacques.

Photo Tay Ho

Photo Tay Ho Cap Saint-Jacques 1953

Photo Tay Ho - art portrait, amateur work, enlargement photos.
42, Market Square Cape St.Jacques.

Photo Kim Són

Photo KimSon Cap Saint-Jacques 1953

Photo Kim Són - enlargement photos, art portrait.
91, Market Square Cape St.Jacques.

Photo KimSon Cap Saint-Jacques 1953 Photo KimSon Cap Saint-Jacques 1953


Cape St.Jacques Film Theater

 Cap St.Jacques theater

January 1950 - French sailors in front of the Cap St.Jacques theater.


Vũng Tàu Rear Beach - La Plage derrière - Bãi Sau - 1970

Vũng Tàu Rear Beach Une Peugeot 403 sur la plage au Cap Saint-Jacques

The beach resort of Vũng Tàu has attracted tourists for decades notably those from Saigon arriving every weekend.

Vũng Tàu Rear Beach - La Plage derrière - Bãi Sau - 2012

Vũng Tàu Rear Beach

Archinard Island

Île Archinard Cap Saint Jacques Île Archinard Cap Saint Jacques

Cape St. Jacques and Archinard Island June 1940.

One of the first Renault vehicule in Cochinchina

Renault Vivasix Indochina 1928

April 1928 : One of the first Renault Vivasix in Cape St. Jacques.

Renault Vivasix Indochina 1928


The Foreign Legion in Cape St. Jacques

Foreign Legion in Cape St.Jacques

Armored Cavalry Training Center

Plage des Cocotiers Vung Taun


The "Cap Saint-Jacques"

Paquebot type Cap Saint-Jacques Chargeurs Réunis

The "Cap Saint-Jacques" - Auxiliary Transport - September 3 1946.

The "Pasteur" at Cape St.Jacques

Le Pasteur au large du Cap Saint-Jacques


From October 1945 to February 1956 the "Pasteur" was one of the main cogs in the comings and goings of French soldiers. There were a total of 81 round trips between France and the Far-East.
The "Pasteur" off-loaded her first passengers offshore of Cape St.Jacques because her draft did not allow her to go up the Saigon river. Landing craft or small freighters like the "Saint-Michel" or the"Île d’Oléron" took over from there.
Then she went on to Tourane (Da Nang) and then on to her final destination: the Bay of Along, the port of Haiphong being equally inaccessible for the same reason as that of Saigon.
The duration of these trips was 15 days for Saigon and 20 days for Haiphong.

The Cape St. Jacques Line in Saigon

La Chaloupe Argoat Saigon

The ship “Argoat” provided daily service from Cape St. Jacques (Rach Dua) to Saigon (dock near the Hotel Majestic), and the other ship providing the connection in the other direction was the “Armor”.
With the Armor and the Argoat Breton sailors were quite in evidence in this part of Indochina!!
At the end of the war in Indochina in 1954, the newly secured road would outpace the river link by halving the travel time, and the line would be abandoned in 1955.
Today the trip by hydrofoil (of Russian manufacture) from Cape St. Jacques (Vung Tàu) to Saigon is made in 1 hour, 30 minutes instead of the 5 to 6 hours according to the tides at the beginning of the ‘50’s.

La Chaloupe Argoat Saigon

On the way to Cape St. Jacques... in 1949

La Chaloupe Saigon

The ship "la Chaloupe" leaving Saigon at "La Pointe des Blagueurs" on march 2nd 1949.

La Chaloupe Saigon

The ship "Tetard" at Rạch Dừa (Vũng Tàu) near "Argoat" on june 1949.

Ocean Liners near Cape St. Jacques

Paquebot type Cap Saint-Jacques Chargeurs Réunis

A Cape St. Jacques-type liner (Chargeurs Réunis Line) steaming up the Saigon River.

Paquebot Cambodge

The liner “Cambodge” (Messageries Maritimes Line) off Cape St. Jacques.

Bãi Dứa Beach - Les Roches Noires en mai 1950

Auberge des Roches Noires Cap Saint-Jacques

Bãi Dứa Beach - Les Roches Noires

Auberge des Roches Noires Cap Saint-Jacques

Les Roches Noires Hostel, Cap Saint-Jacques in 1960

Les Roches Noires Cape Saint-Jacques

Les Roches Noires Hostel, Cape St. Jacques, in 1949

Les Roches Noires Cape Saint-Jacques Les Roches Noires Cape Saint-Jacques

Roches Noires Post Cards ~ 1950

Les Roches Noires Cape Saint-Jacques Les Roches Noires Cape Saint-Jacques


The French Air Force

The French Air Force Air Cap Saint-Jacques

Transfer of Command of the Gascogne Bomb Group.

The new runway at Cape St. Jacques in 1955

Armée Air Cap Saint-Jacques Armée Air Cap Saint-Jacques

Cap St.Jacques
For the Commander, a base,
For the aviator, a runway,
For the soldier garrisoned at Saigon, a weekend on the beach,
For the construction battalion, an enormous worksite with all that it represents in work and worries.
When the commander decided to turn Cape St. Jacques into an R&R center for the Expeditionary Corps after the Geneva Accords, it was a peninsula of sand and ponds. At the end of 1955 its runway was usable by B 26’s and there were aviation installations, bridges, housing for 20,000 men, and workshops for technical services.
Nearly 400,000 square meters of earthworks representing the load of 1,000 trains of 50 cars at 10 tons each, 90 barges of 80 tons, and 14,000 truckloads representing 42,000 tons of materials loaded and unloaded, 150,000 square meters of roads and parking areas, 200,000 square meters of covered areas… that’s the result of 12 months of work.
This work is the result of hard work first of the leadership in Saigon and its annex at the Cape, which, backed by the 7/62 and 26/5 Companies built the runway in record time, then the leadership of the Cape created in June 1955 when the Annex was no longer up to the task moved in, got organized, and continued the work already begun.
On July 14th, 1955 the runway was officially opened by the landing of 21 B 26 aircraft. As of August 1st, there were never fewer than 30 aircraft on the airport, with landings varying daily from 30 to 80.
At the end of the year after an exceptional rainy season, no repairs were necessary and on December 15th, operations with 28-ton “Privateer” aircraft confirmed the quality of the job.

Atelier dans un hangar Sarrade et Galtier

A workshop in one of the ten "Sarrade and Galtier" hangars

Le bâtiment Vigie de Rach-Dua

Right: The "Vigie" building at Rạch Dừa.

The military piers at Rạch Dừa were built in the estuary of the Sông Dinh River to serve the maritime transit needs of the units and services stationed at Cape St.Jacques.
It’s the only place on the peninsula where ships up to 5 meters draft (ships of 4 to 6,000 tons) can dock at any time. This draft can go to 10 meters at high tide.

Cap St.Jacques Infantry Training Center

Armée Air Cap Saint-Jacques

The entrance to the Training Center is guarded by soldiers from the Foreign Legion.

Executive housing development

La cité Logement G.C.R du Cap Saint-Jacques en 1955 La cité des officiers au Cap Saint-Jacques en 1955

Left: The G.C.R.housing development.
Right: Officer housing development.

Two housing developments were built at Cape St. Jacques in 1955, one for army and air force officers, and the other for the families of the G.C.R (Radio control Group) special services and the S.T.R. (Technical Research Services – Vietminh communications decryption).

La cité Logement G.C.R du Cap Saint-Jacques en 1955 Le mess des officiers au Cap Saint-Jacques en 1955

Left: Interior of G.C.R. housing.
Right: Officer’s Mess.

Begun in May 1955 for the executive development, in August for the G.C.R., construction went on until 1956, but the buildings were occupied as of December 1955.

After the departure of French troups in April 1956

After the departure of French troops in April 1956 the base was taken over by American advisors and it became the headquarters for the Australian expeditionary corps as well as for certain American units.
It would again be occupied after 1975 by the Soviets who would run as a joint Russian-Vietnamese operation the “Vietsovpetro” company with the Vietnamese.
The French group, Total, (in partnership with Petrovietnam) operated two platforms offshore of Cape St. Jacques.
This region has become the petroleum center of Vietnam where gas and crude operations dominate the economy of the city and contribute to the main revenue, the budget of Vietnam, and to the export volume.
Uncontrolled construction of numerous hotels as well as an amusement park (with aerial tramway!) above the White Villa has unfortunately and definitively disfigured the coastline of this town.

The Infantry Training Center

La cité Logement G.C.R du Cap Saint-Jacques en 1955

The Radio Broadcast Center

Le Centre Radio du Cap Saint-Jacques en 1956

The radio broadcasting and receiving installations.
In order to assure connections between the base and the outside world, it was necessary to build transmitting and receiving installations able to link Cape St. Jacques with Paris and to the capitals of allied countries in Southeast Asia.
Three units were built by the engineering department and fitted out by the Radio Services and other user services:
- 1 transmitting center including a inter-forces station, an air station, and an intelligence station.
- 1 receiving center including an inter-forces station and an intelligence station.
- 1 transmitting/receiving center in the small mountain including the technical facilities of the signal corps.
The Broadcast Center
The inter-forces station consists of 10 transmitters, 2 of which are 10 kilowatts and 3 antenna arrays.

- 2 diamond-shaped antennas aimed at Paris and mounted on 21-meter towers.
- 5 medium-range antennas aimed at Singapore, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Manila, mounted on 15- and 20-meter masts.
- finally, 4 antennas for in-country communications in Indochina, mounted on 15-meter masts.

Cap St.Jacques by François Sully

Le Cap Saint-Jacques

Photo taken by François Sully.
François Sully (1927-1971) as a French journalist and photographer best known for his work during the Vietnam War. Sully was one of the earliest journalists to cover the Vietnam War and spent 24 years in Indochina. At the time of his death in a command helicopter crash near the Cambodian border, he was viewed as the dean of the Saigon press corps.

Les pêcheurs du Cap Saint-Jacques

The cliff of Cap St.Jacques (Vũng Tàu)

Les falaises du Cap Saint-Jacques

The cliff of Cap St.Jacques (Vũng Tàu) is now called Mũi Nghinh Phong (literally meaning "Cape of breeze welcome" or "Cape of greeting the wind").


Souvenir of Cap St.Jacques

Souvenir From Vung Tau


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"Vũng Tàu - Cape St. Jacques"
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