Cape St. Jacques : Twilight - Một buổi tối đẹp trời
Cap St.Jacques 1939 Map
C : Caserne (Barracks), M : Marché (Market), E : Église (Church), I Garde Indigène (Indigenous Guard), R : Bureau de la Résidence (Townhall),
T : Poste (Post Office).
1 : Grand Hôtel Grand Hotel), 2 : Hôtellerie du Cap Saint-Jacques (Annex).
1937 |
7000 |
1950 |
* 23000 * |
1960 |
35000 |
1970 | 55000 |
1980 | 84000 |
1990 | 131000 |
2000 | 206000 |
2010 | 295000 |
2020 | 418000 |
* The above figures were provided by the Vietnamese administration..
With regard to the year 1950, it should be noted that there is a difference with those of the French authorities. This gives a population of the city of Cap Saint-Jacques of 12,910 inhabitants and not 23,000.
Indochina Tourist Guide
Indochina Tourist Guide 1937 Edition G. Taupin & Co Paul Bert Street Hanoï (Source Bnf Gallica) |
* Seaside resort - Fortified Square - 7.000 inhabitants
- Distances to: Saigon 125 km - Baria 24 km
Ambulances, Gendarmerie, Police station, Garrison.
* By road to Baria, Bien-Hoa, Saïgon.
- "Grand Hôtel" - 56 rooms: breakfast; 0 $ 50, lunch; 2 Piastres; dinner 2 Piastres.
- "Hostellerie du Cap Saint-Jacques" - 20 rooms: breakfast; 0 $ 50, lunch; 2 Piastre, dinner 2 piastres.
* Waterway line from Saigon to Baria.
* Must see. - The Than-Tam Pagoda (Stone Buddha).
* Excursions:
- Promenade of the Grande Corniche:
- Promenade of the Petite Corniche:
- Ti-Ouan beach (rocks):
- Hill-climb (lighthouse), 200m. altitude.
To get from Saïgon to Cap Saint-Jacques, go through Bien-Hoa and turn right, after this center, at km 31, then R.C. n ° 15. Very scenic route overall.
Annuaire téléphonique - Cap Saint-Jacques - Phone book
Annuaire Téléphonique - Phone Book Cap Saint-Jacques - Vũng Tà |
Annuaire Didot-Bottin Viet-Nam 1950 Gaston Méritte 48, rue Aviateur Garros Saïgon (Sud-Viet-Nam) Tél : 21.922 René Tarrin 37, rue de Châteaudun Paris IX |
- Bar S.O.S, restaurant, quai Lanessan Tél: 24
- Dang Nien, 79-81 place du Marché Tél: 19
- Dispensaire, route Ben-Dinh Tél: 9
- Douanes et Régies, recette subordonnée, route de Baria Tél: 21
- Garde du Viet-Nam (sud) brigade, boulevard Escourbet Tél: 7
- Grand Hôtel, quai Lanessan Tél: 17
_ Haut-Commissariat de France en Indochine, quai Lanessan Tél: 2
- " Sécurité (poste), boulevard Escourbet Tél: 8
- Hoc-Ho, commerçant, 20-22 place du Marché Tél: 25
- Mairie (bureau), boulevard Landes Tél: 3
- Marine (subdivision renflouements, rue Marcellot Tél: 27
- Phare, Tél: 11
- Pilotage, quai Lanessan Tél: 6
- P.T.T. receveur, quai Lanessan Tél 13 & 14
- " guichets Tél 26
- radio (station) Tél: 20
- Sûreté Nationale (Police spéciale), boulevard Landes Tél: 15
- Tran Phu Sen, restaurant, 63 place du Marché Tél: 28
- Tran Van Sanh, équipement militaire, 2 rue Arduser Tél: 16
- Travaux Publiques (subdivision), rue Rougeot Tél: 12
- Trésor, rue Marcellot Tél: 22
- Usine électrique, boulevard Escourbet Tél: 10
Photo Cap St.Jacques Vietnam Original Aerial View (to East) 1930
Baie Des Cocotiers in 1969
Route de Ben Dinh/Le Loi Street Military Complex 1934 Map
Infantry Barracks - VietsovPetro
Infantry Barracks en 2019
Junction of Pham Hong Thai & Le Loi In front of Infantry Barracks
Artillery Barracks PV Gas
Colonial Artillery District
Armored Cavalry Training Center in Cap St.Jacques in 1952
Entrance to Artillery Barracks - PV Gas
Building Adjacent to Artillary Barracks - PV Gas
Entrance to Artillery Barracks,in 2020
VietsovPetro (VSP)
Joint venture company between Vietnam and the Soviet Union (later Russia) formed in 1981 to develop the Bach Ho (White Tiger) oil field discovered by Mobil in 1975 just before the fall of South Vietnam. VSP’s first oil production was in 1986.
It is a giant oil field with the majority of production from fractured granitic basement (proven by VSP) which is quite unique for oil fields around the world. VSP employs 7,000 staff (6,500 Vietnamese and 500 Russian) and its’head office is on the site of the Infantry Barracks and both buildings are in use as offices (although a new tower block has been built next to them).
Image below is from VSP’s website and shows the tower block and one of the infantry barracks building on the right hand side.
PetroVietnam (PV) Gas
PetroVietnam (PV) Gas. Branch of the national oil company, PetroVietnam, engaged in the gathering (pipelines), import and distribution of gas. PV Gas’s head office is in Ho Chi Minh City but it’s Vung Tau branch office is on the site of the Artillery Barracks.
Building Adjacent to Artillery Barracks/PV Gas
Building Adjacent to Artillery Barracks/PV Gas. This now the Centre for Culture, Information and Sport.
L'Inspection du Cap Saint-Jacques - 1913
L'inspection without tower in 1970
Military Hospital
Baie Des Cocotiers/Front Beach
Views to the West
• White House
• Grand Hotel & Annex
• L’Inpsection: Non-Existent
Baie Des Cocotiers (Front Beach) - Views to the East 1934 Map
No White House on this Post Card
This card was posted in january 1905 at the Saigon Post Office.
The specificity of this post card is that it shows that White House was not yet built.
The White House on this Post Card
Above: At the beginning of the 20th century with the White House.
Below: The cocotiers bay with the White House in the 50's.
The same place front beach in Vũng Tàu in 1970-71 and 2014....
Quan Trung - Front Beach road (formerly quai Lanessan)/Le Loi Street
Military Complex Panoramas
Composite Panorama - 1967
Résidence du Commandant de Place
L’Hôtel du Commandant de Place
No Pilot Service building so pre-1906
Annexe du Grand Hotel Annex in the 30's
Hostellerie Saint-Jacques - Grand Hotel Annex 1951
The same place in 2020
New Buiding in 2019
No Pilot Service building so pre-1906
Baie Des Cocotiers/Front Beach
Views to the East
English Telegraph - Le Câble Anglais
So called because the English Channel Submarine Telegraph Company laid the first submarine telegraph cable across the English Channel in 1850.
Although this first cable was a failure, a second cable was laid one year later, by the successor Submarine Telegraph Company, and in October 1851 communication between England and France was established. This was the first undersea telegraph cable anywhere in the world to be put in service.
The Cable Anglais/English Telegraph was laid into Cap St Jacques in the very early twentieth century (most likely in 1901) by La Société Industrielle des Téléphones (SIT)/The Industrial Telephone Company using the cable laying ship CS Francois Arago. The Cap St Jacques Cable Anglais building was built around the same time and originally it had a simple hipped roof but, by the 1930s had acquired a higher and steeper(?) roof with mini gable ends at the apex.
The Cable Anglais is clearly seen on photographs from the late 1960s. It was demolished after the end of the war in 1975 and on the same site today is the Youth Culture Centre.
C.S. François Arago
The C.S. François-Arago was built in 1882 by the Sunderland Shipbuilding Company but sailed under the name the C.S. Westmeath. She was 320 feet in length, 42.4 feet in breadth and had a gross tonnage of 3,342 tons. She was owned by the W. T Henly Telegraph works but chartered in 1887 to La Société Française des Télégraphes Sous-Marin. In 1902, she was sold to La Société Industrielle des Téléphones and renamed François Arago.
Cable Anglais with a New Roof in 1968
Post Office - Postes Télégraphe
The Post Office: Possibly built in the early 1860s (at the same time as the original Lighthouse), the earliest photograph thus far discovered is from around 1870.
It was in use without significant alteration for more than 100 years and is clearly seen on photographs from the late 1960s and early 1970s.
It was demolished after the end of the war in 1975 and on the same site today is the Vũng Tàu Post Office Hotel".
Post Office - Ty Bưu điện
In the early part of the 20th century the French PTT set about linking the rest of its colonies to France and so the following cables were laid. Tamative, Madagascar - St. Denis (Reunion) - Port Louis, Mauritius, the total length of cable laid being 1030 nm.)
Cap St. Jacques, French Indo China was linked to Pontianak, Borneo; Saïgon - Tourane - Haïphong - Tourane (Đà Nẵng) - Amoy (Xiamen)
All these cables were laid by François Arago.
In 1905 a cable was laid from Brest to Dakar, Senegal a distance of 2847 nm.
The same place front beach in Vũng Tàu in 1970-71 and 2014....
Landscapes of Cap St. Jacques